In this article, I argue that the problems we see in crypto today are caused by moral hazards and the idea of a ‘regulatory wild west’, and that law is a possible solution. However, the manner in which regulation is implemented is crucial, as ICO regulation should not be (too much of) a burden to innovation.
Category: Article
What is Ethereum? A complete guide.
I hear the question often: “what is Ethereum?”. This complete guide explain’s Ethereum’s potential, tokens, smart contracts, decentralised applications and intial coin offerings.
Ethereum’s weaknesses — criticizing the backbone of “the internet 3.0”
While Ethereum is praised widely, it seems a bubble is forming. In this article, the author presents Ethereum’s weaknesses.
Bitcoin: the New Gold or Money of the Future?
In this article i explain why we need cryptocurrencies. I present the arguments advocating for and against bitcoin and eventually I examine whether Bitcoin is the new gold or the currency of the feature. I conclude that at best, Bitcoin is currently a store of value. At worst it is just a speculative asset.
What is blockchain technology?
The term ‘blockchain technology’ is increasingly used to refer to the synthesis of three distinct technologies: peer-to-peer technology, the blockchain and consensus mechanisms. In this post, the author seeks to explain these components and how they make secure distributed ledgers possible.